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Call for workshops, panel, tutorials, and demonstrations


Description: Workshops are sessions where conference participants engage in discussion and activity concerning innovative topics.

Length: cannot exceed 3 pages

Format: must adhere to the IOS template (see below) with the following

Structure: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Aim, Rationale, Outcome, Programme, Brief CVs of presenters/ moderator, References

Presentation: 60 minutes (please check the conference program for your time). The workshop must allow at least 15 minutes for discussion or other interactive forms of collaborative working with the intended audience.

Registration of all presenters and moderator is mandatory.


Description: A panel is intended to focus on a specific topic on which a panel of experts gives their opinion and discusses it with the audience.

Length: cannot exceed 3 pages

Format: Must adhere to the IOS template (see below)

Structure: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Description of the panel’s topic, Panellists’ short bio, References.

Presentation: 60- or 90-minute session (please check the conference program for your time). A panel would typically require 3-4 members giving a brief presentation or making a position statement, followed by at least 15-20 minutes of discussion with an active role for the audience.

Registration of all panelists is mandatory.


Description: Demonstrations are sessions where a practical solution is presented to the audience.

Length: cannot exceed 3 pages

Format: must adhere to the IOS template

Structure: Title, Abstract, Introduction, Topic, and Contents of the demonstration, brief CVs of presenters, References

Presentation: Presentation of 30 minutes.

Registration of all presenters is mandatory.


Description: Tutorials are sessions to train the audience on a new topic.

Length: Tutorials should not exceed 3 pages

Format: Tutorials must adhere to the IOS template (see below)

Structure: Title, Abstract, Introduction, general description of the topic proposed in appropriate headings, Expected learning outcomes, Specific contributions of authors to the tutorial, brief biographies of the organizers/lecturers, References

Presentation: Authors of accepted tutorials will be required to present a 90-minutes tutorial during the conference).

Remarks: No honorarium will be offered to tutorial organizers/presenters. Presenters should register to the conference.

Instructions for the IOS Press template that is required to be used for all submissions can be found at the publisher’s website:

  • Please follow the link and download the instructions for MS WORD
  • Please study the documents very carefully.